Life Enrichment & Employment Pathways
Life Enrichment and Employment Pathways will support any client of LOGAN services in achieving their desired dreams, wishes, and goals. Each pathway will have robust community engagement to align with the new direction and goals of LOGAN’s day services.
LOGAN now offers three pathways tailored to different client needs and interests. The first pathway, Enrich, targets clients with limited community engagement due to disabilities or retirement, aiming to enhance their involvement through curriculum-based learning and integrated employment strategies. The second pathway, Explore, is for clients accustomed to facility-based settings, focusing on community-based educational experiences like volunteering and job exploration alongside employment training opportunities. The third pathway, Work, caters to clients keen on competitive integrated employment, offering individualized services to secure or sustain successful employment outcomes.
Targets clients with limited community engagement due to disabilities or retirement, aiming to enhance their involvement through curriculum-based learning and integrated employment strategies.
The second pathway, Explore, focuses on community-based educational experiences like volunteering and job exploration alongside employment training opportunities.
Caters to clients keen on competitive integrated employment, offering individualized services to secure or sustain successful employment outcomes.
For more information, contact:
Jenny Demske
Program Operations Specialist
(574) 289-4831